Bike Fit

Don't let all that hard work go to waste by riding a bike that doesn't properly fit you. A proper bike fit by a professional bike fitter will allow you to enjoy the ride and result in delivering more power to the pedals. Learn more about our approach to bike fitting.

Personal Coaching

Getting to the next level or developing a foundation for maintaining a healthy lifestyle sometimes requires an objective voice. Michael launched Metta Endurance with former Pro Triathlete Holly Benner in 2022. Learn about their unique approach to coaching athletes.


Helping you balance your fitness goals

The key to a sustainable performance plan is balance. Achieving balance does not mean shortchanging your goals.

Our approach is to design plans and coaching programs that fit into your life. We help you maximize the time you have to help you achieve your goals.

The only way to sustain your hard earned fitness is to have a program that focuses on continuous improvement while remaining flexible enough to adjust to the inevitable curves that life throws you. Through regular feedback and conversation, your coach can make the adjustments necessary to keep you on track.

Time to get to work...

Train to perform; train to sustain. Get to work with a Stage22 Performance coach.